How Expensive is Invoice Finance?

How expensive is invoice finance? Learn more with partnership invoice finance

How Expensive is Invoice Finance? Invoice finance is a financial tool that can be a lifesaver for businesses of all sizes, but how expensive is invoice finance? This type of funding allows a business to access the cash tied up in its outstanding invoices, improving cash flow by providing the freedom to invest in growth. […]

Recourse Factoring with Partnership Invoice Finance

Recourse Factoring with Partnership Invoice Finance

Recourse Factoring with Partnership Invoice Finance Recourse factoring with Partnership Invoice Finance is structured differently to our competitors. As an independent financial provider, we have more flexibility in our processes. This allows us to tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each client, often resulting in more competitive rates and terms and of […]

Risk of late payments to SMEs – mitigating the impact.

Using Invoice finance to reduce the impact of late payments - partnership invoice finance

Mitigating the risk of late payments to SMEs. When it comes to late payments to SMEs, invoice finance is a proven method of mitigating the risk and reducing the pressure. For larger companies, receiving late payments doesn’t tend to affect their business too dramatically. Whilst they do have higher outgoings, they also have higher amounts […]

Funding increased Christmas production using invoice finance.

Managing the cost of increased production over the christmas period with invoice finance - partnership invoice finance ltd.

Funding increased Christmas production … more no no no, than ho ho ho? Funding increased Christmas production is a worry for all companies, but especially for SMEs. Like it or not, the run up to Christmas is here … the jolly rotund man is lurking just around the corner. For some seasonal SME’s we have […]

Utilising Invoice Finance during mergers.

Utilising Invoice Finance during mergers with Partnership Invoice Finance.

Utilising Invoice Finance during mergers. Utilising Invoice Finance during mergers or an acquisition provides stability when you need it most. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) present a strategic opportunity for businesses to expand their reach, customer base and market share. Whilst slightly different, the goal is the same in both a merger and an acquisition: two […]

Invoice Finance for UK Temporary Staffing Agencies

Invoice Finance UK For Temporary Staffing Agencies Invoice Finance for UK temporary staffing agencies is a common Google search. Why? Because this industry faces rapid shifts in client demands, economic fluctuations, and intense competition. To truly thrive in this environment, staffing agencies must keep strong financial foundations that support growth, efficiency, and resilience. Invoice finance allows […]

Business Debt Management

Owl and cash notes balance out on a rock. Title read "Business Debt Management" Partnership Invoice Finance logos included

In this blog we guide you through business debt management. Learn about open communication with unpaid creditors, bounce back loans and legacy debt. What can happen when a business faces restructuring debt and liquidation. Discover who businesses can use invoice finance as a tool for managing debt, steadying out cash flow, and more.

A guide to Recourse Factoring

A guide to recourse factoring

Recourse factoring falls under the umbrella term of invoice financing. In this blog we will talk you through its key benefits, including credit control and sales ledger management.
For businesses, maintaining a healthy cash flow is paramount to sustainable growth. However, extended customer payment terms can create a significant cash flow gap, hindering the ability to seize opportunities and meet financial obligations. Recourse factoring is a valuable solution, enabling businesses to convert unpaid invoices: into working capital.

Business growth on hold

Business Growth On Hold

Can staff retention damage business growth? Discover what can cause employees to leave, expenses that come with high staff turnover, and how to use invoice finance to continue growing your business despite financial strain.

Funding for business start ups

Funding for business start ups

A guide to alternative funding solutions for start up businesses. Find out challenges start up businesses face, and how to overcome them through an invoice finance facility.