Time to find invoice finance companies South East

Time to find invoice finance companies South East

Are you taking the time to find invoice finance companies South East? The South East of England is described as “A region of many contrasts, and exciting history”. This area is highly populated, and includes some of the countries most cherished locations, such as: Brighton, Canterbury, and the New Forest. With a dense population, comes the demand for a high number of businesses, and of course an open market for new business adventures.

UK businesses put the brakes on lending

UK businesses put the brakes on lending

Higher borrowing costs and uncertainty about the UK’s economic future are stirring up the waters of business lending. Throughout 2023, the Bank of England’s agents reported that businesses were not as keen to take out new loans as they had been in previous years. Pricier borrowing and a shaky economic outlook were thought to be the main culprits to the decline in new loans. Interest rates on new loans for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) hit record highs in 2023, according to Bank of England data.

Inflation, Insolvency, and Invoice Finance

Inflation, Insolvency, and Invoice Finance

So far this year we have seen dynamic changes to the UK economy and landscape. In this blog we will be discussing key factors and figures to date, such as inflation and insolvency rates.

To start, we will recap on the changes that came into effect in April 2024:

Business Funding in Kent

Business Funding in Kent

Searching “business funding in Kent” AGAIN!?

Small to medium businesses (SME’s) often struggle to find funders who will walk with them through the peaks and troughs of business. Economically, the UK market has been hammered (relentlessly) Although 2024 is in its early stages, we’re already seeing businesses in Kent struggling to stay afloat. Recently, County Council leader Chief Roger Gough discussed Kents economic climate relating to local councils with the need ‘to change and innovate’ which is highly pertinent to local businesses and residents alike.

Commercial Rental Terms

Commercial Rental Terms

Most business owners in the UK will have some form of property rental to support their business. Whether that be a one-person office, a two-story teched out building, or even a warehouse for stock and deliveries – commonly, a form of space is required.

Rental leases payment terms are considerably different from standard tenancy agreements, one major difference is the payment terms.

Factoring or Invoice Discounting? – What’s The Difference?

Factoring or Invoice Discounting? It can be hard enough for small businesses to keep up with invoices. And knowing which type of finance to employ to help you keep ahead is tricky. If you’ve been thinking about factoring or invoice discounting (or even if you haven’t), it’s worth looking at the difference between each product. […]