Effective Sales Ledger Management

Effective Sales ledger Management

Optimise cash flow with sales ledger management. Learn how to successfully manage your sales ledger. Discover how invoice factoring is a solution for effective credit control and improves client relations.

What is Invoice Finance?

What is Invoice Finance?

What is invoice finance? Through invoice finance, a company sells its accounts receivable (invoices due to be paid) to improve its working capital. And this in turn helps businesses pay employees and suppliers, improve cash flow, and invest in operations and growth earlier than if they had to wait until their customers paid their balances in full. This provides a business with more financial flexibility than most other types of traditional loans.

Chasing Christmas Debt

Chasing Christmas Debt

It’s time for what a lot of business owners find harder to do than swallowing the last bite of Christmas dinner – chasing Christmas debt.

Over the festive period invoicing, accounting, and bank reconciliation can take a dip. But now we’re into a New Year – and those debts need to be paid.

So, where do you start? The highest value debt? The oldest debt?

Empower Your Business with Disclosed Invoice Discounting

Empower Your Business with Disclosed Invoice Discounting

Are you looking to take control of your business’ finances and unlock growth opportunities? Disclosed invoice discounting is the solution you’ve been searching for. Forget cash flow challenges and embrace a powerful financial tool that puts you in the driver’s seat.

Working Capital and Small Businesses

Working Capital and Small Businesses

Formula: Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities.

A business with a positive Working Capital is one that has additional income after paying off all bills, loans, staff costs, etc. In simple terms; a profitable business.

A business with a negative Working Capital, is the exact opposite of the above. If a business has a negative working capital, then it is not currently profitable.

The Funds You Need, When You Need Them.

The Funds You Need, When You Need Them.

Partnership Invoice Finance is a leading provider of invoice financing, and we can help you get the funding you need quickly and easily. We understand that no two businesses are the same, and that’s why we offer multiple options to suit your business. For example, do you find invoicing customers stressful, and don’t have the […]

Seasonal Vibes

Seasonal Vibes

Tis the season to be jolly… no, not quite yet. But it is approaching. And even though this year seems to have skipped the summer season we cannot stop the rest of the year rolling around. The winter season is, for obvious reasons, retailers’ busiest season (apart from December 27th which is known across the […]

Be Ready to Flex

You’ve planned for growth, you’re ready for growth, but a too good to miss opportunity comes along that sits outside your plan. You have clear choices. If taking on the new business means compromising everything else, well, walk away. But, if you could fund the project by releasing some capital tied up in your invoices […]

Move on up

Ready to move on up? There’s nothing sweeter than leaving your competitors behind, but with growth comes cost, and there’s absolutely nothing sweet about that. Keeping ahead, means having enough working capital to fund your growth. It’s often the smaller, short-term needs that catch us out. You can’t control the wider environment, which can rain […]

Growth Without the Growing Pain

Growth Without the Growing Pain

As a business owner, you know that one of the biggest (and most exciting) challenges is growth. Even when you have a steady cash flow and some working capital, growth costs … a lot. Invoice finance is a lending solution that helps level out cash flow by providing you with access to the funds you […]