Keep up-to-date with the latest news, views, information and advice from Partnership Invoice Finance. Within our blog posts we cover topics such as: building sustainable cash flow, utilising invoice finance, and tips for business growth.
Managing Your Business During A Downturn
It may seem counterintuitive, but a downturn can often be a great time to refocus your resources and review your business overall. The recent global economic downturn has affected businesses of all sizes. For small and medium enterprises (SMEs), it’s especially important they manage their resources carefully and review their business plans regularly. When was the last time you reviewed your business plan? Are you achieving the business goals?
Is Your Business Thriving or Just Surviving?
Making ends meet is never easy, but it’s especially tough for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). With rising costs across the board (at every level of the food chain), it’s more important than ever to have reliable cash flow. And while payment lag is inevitable, there are things you can do to prevent it from becoming a major problem. In this blog post, we’ll explore some practical tips for SMEs trying to stay afloat in today’s challenging economy.
Financial Help for SMEs. What’s Available to Them Right Now?
If you’re like most small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), you’re feeling the squeeze from the rising cost of living increases. The help from the government is thin on the ground and virtually non-existent, so it’s time to take a hard look at your business and build out a workable budget
Turning to Your Invoice Finance For Support and Guidance
If you’re struggling to keep up with your business cash flow, then you’re not alone. Most businesses face cash flow problems at some point, and it can be difficult to know what to do. Invoice finance is a viable solution in these situations. Let’s take a look at how invoice
The Indirect Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on SMEs
The current cost of living is impacting business owners in more ways than one. While many are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of daily operations, the indirect impacts are also weighing heavily; from declining customer demand to higher employee turnover, the ‘crisis’ (as the media loves to call it and a term that for the rest of this article I have tried to avoid. We could just say rising overheads, but it doesn’t catch the eye nearly as well!) is affecting businesses in a variety of ways. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most common impacts of these increased costs and what business owners can do to mitigate them.
Invoice Finance – A Solution for Business Growth, Not Just Survival.
A common misconception is that invoice finance solutions are only used by businesses that are struggling. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Many businesses decide to have an invoice finance agreement in place because it ensures the cash due from their invoices is received in a timely manner, easing
What Can You Do when Your Business has Run Out of Money?
It’s the scenario that every business owner dreads – the money runs out. This can be a very frightening and uncertain time for any business, regardless of size or longevity. No one ever plans on their business running out of money – in fact, the lack of a plan is normally the reason why it happened! However, if it does happen, what can be done quickly to turn things around?
The Knock-on Effect of Higher Interest Rates on SMEs’ Cash Flow
UK interest rates are at their highest in nearly a decade, and as a result of numerous factors, UK interest rates are expected to continue to rise in the coming months. This is going to have significant implications for UK SMEs who are already struggling with the cost-of-living increases. Add in now higher interest rates and they could find themselves in serious financial trouble.
Is Invoice Finance Expensive?
When it comes to invoice finance, one of the most common questions that businesses ask is “how much does it cost?” The answer, as with most things in life, is there is no standard one size fits all answer